From the Latin, missionem, we get, “to send, let go, release,” each of which is an action that allows, enables or frees us to fulfill the purpose we have identified. Mission is the “vehicle” in which we move toward our goal or destiny.
In this image, the “missionary” travels a road that seems to go on forever; but it doesn’t, of course, as none do. There is an end to this journey, as there is with all journeys.
But if one’s aim, goal or purpose has not been set, then we are on a random course that is determined by external factors, traveling randomly like the blind man on the handcar in the movie, “O Brother Where Art Thou?”

Even if we are intentional and have made a plan for the important missions of our lives, we will face obstacles and difficulties. The road may suddenly become hazardous, even treacherous.
So we slow down and remind ourselves, that by completing this mission we are glorifying God and His creation—however perilous it may be. We then thank Him for the opportunity to be engaged in this process.

In other words: we pray.