From the French, purpos, “intention, aim, goal” by which we give meaning to our lives. We must find that something to which we orient our existence, and ourselves, and to which we eagerly direct our focus and energy.
Therefore, if we are intentional, aiming and goal-oriented, then our existence cannot be random—and it wasn’t meant to be. Just look at the great benefits from human achievement throughout history!
Some discoveries may have been accidental or unplanned, but most occur during the intentional process of exploration of our purpose, or our “telos,” as described by the ancient Greek philosophers.

We are seekers, moving along the path toward the eternal Source of Truth and Love. We choose to believe there is more to this life than “eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow you die,” simply because we believe that when “tomorrow” comes we will realize the results of our beliefs and the loving and truthful actions that manifest them.