The Bread of Life
"I am the bread of life," proclaims Jesus to his disciples in the Gospel of John. Before we explore this most special Bread, let us take a closer look at the "I am," ("Eigo Emi" in Hebrew) which begins this declaration. That self-referential phrase echoes in affirmation the "I Am" of God in Exodus 3:14, words that the Creator uses while speaking with Moses, as well as in Deuteronomy and Isaiah. By using this phrase,

Call to Adventure
In Joseph Campbell’s book, The Hero with a Thousand Faces, he notes that “The Hero’s Journey” is open to everyone, and is the ritualized process that involves separation from the known, comfortable world; initiation into the unknown; and, return. The first step in this process is the Call to Adventure, which “signifies that destiny has summoned the hero.”

In ancient Greek mythology, the Three Graces were known as Charm, Beauty and Creativity. These goddesses, according to Edith Hamilton, brought joy to the gods when they danced enchantingly. The myth legend indicates that they “gave life its bloom,” which is an awesome compliment, BUT their gifts could only result in this bloom if they gave them together.

Sunrise or Sunset?
After weeks of the tumultuous meetings of the Constitutional Convention, Benjamin Franklin reportedly said of the chair being used by George Washington, “I have often looked at that, without being able to tell whether it was rising or setting; but now I know that it is a rising sun.”

Along the Way we come to understand that, just as we were guided and helped by those who travelled before us, we must offer help and guidance to those who join us and follow us. That is the ongoing virtue tradition, one that is the legacy from each proceeding generation to every one that follows. We do that by performing works of mercy such as caring for the less fortunate, teaching the uninformed and forgiving